
Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua while attending the military planned sendoff of the late General Francis Ogolla brings laughter to mourners as he reminisces on memories he shared with the late General.

Gachagua while eulogizing the late general described him as a committed officer of the military as well as humble, pleasant amiable and kind with him being a beneficiary of his kindness.

“I am a beneficiary of his kindness. Late February this year the General came without notice to my office. In ordinary circumstances when the CDF comes to your office without notice you sort of panic. He came to my office holding a big card saying he had come to wish me a happy birthday and I didn’t even know it was my birthday.” Gachagua recounted.

Ogolla according to Deputy President was a man full of humor and on many occasions kept those around him entertained. He recounted a moment when Ogolla asked held him back after they escorted the president who was leaving the country.

“He was full of jokes. I was in a hurry to leave one day after escorting the president to the airport when he told me I could only leave when he gave me the order as he was the senior most commanding officer after the president’s departure.”

Opposition leader Raila Odinga  is among the leaders present at the Military Honours ceremony for late General Francis Ogolla happening at the  Ulinzi Sports Complex in Lang’ata.

Odinga while giving tribute to the late General appealed to President William Ruto to order a thorough investigation into the cause of the plane crash. He also asked the head of state to order a re-examine all equipment used by the military in a bid to completely eradicate aircraft crashes.

“Your excellency because of the manner that Ogolla died, a lot of rumours are flying around and we want them to be put to rest and this can only happen if there’s a thorough investigation to determine the cause of crash. This is also time to take a relook at our equipment and our military because we have seen this accidents over the years.” Odinga said

Raila described Ogolla as a man who not only knew his responsibility to the community but also a man who served the community diligently and a true believer in the Kenyan dream.

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