Renowned comedian Eric Omondi has extended a helping hand to Baby Pyden Mudoga, a young toddler diagnosed with a debilitating cancerous mouth tumuor.
Eric visited the one month old baby boy who is admitted in hospital recently. He revealed that he has visited him several times and he always finds him crying.
“I was deeply moved when I heard about Baby Pyden’s situation. No child should have to endure such suffering, and I knew I had to do something to help,” Omondi expressed during his visit. “We cannot stand by while an innocent life faces such challenges.”
Baby Pyden’s condition requires immediate medical intervention. Eric has since organised a fundraiser for the minor that will cater for the expenses.
“WE MUST STOP the pain. This is his mother, Magdalene Khamisi, a very strong woman. Tonight from 8pm to 12am I’ll be raising money for the baby and mother on all my social media platforms. START SENDING MONEY to mothers number 0757845548 (Name: MAGDALENE KHAMISI). Let’s raise enough to treat the baby,” Eric said.
“This is a call to action. Let’s use our voices and social media platforms to make a difference in Baby Pyden’s life. Every contribution, no matter how small, will make a significant impact,” he added.
The situation for Baby Pyden and his family is further compounded by their living conditions. The infant and his family are currently residing in a cramped single room in the Kawangware area.
“I want to see Baby Pyden and his family living in better conditions. No child should have to worry about basic needs like shelter while battling a health crisis,” Omondi stated firmly.
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