Faith Makau largely known as Amber Ray has been advised by her social media fans to reduce and check the manner in which she is handling her husband Kennedy Rapudo.
Amber Ray who is known for loving and living large life has once again been the talk of town after flaunting a shopping receipt worth 158,000ksh amid tough economic times being witnesses by fellow Kenyans.
”Get you a man who’s young enough to entertain, old enough to lead, strong enough to provide, thug enough to protect & mature enough step up. #Bibiyatajiri #endmonthshopping
…. @99martkenya we really loved your service, Thank you.
” Amber captioned.
However he followers were keen to notice the distress on Rapudo’s face and they are now calling upon her to reduce her speed adding that people shop lots of money but they don’t post.
”You should visit Carrefour at two rivers on Sundays you see how people shop
That’s just a little,,,be humble,,some of us don’t even post,,
Even if your man has money, don’t over burden him. The guy can’t speak for himself but he looks exhausted
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A number of followers also noted that the guy looked worried and they were slowly being bothered by the former socialites braggart character .
This is Slowly becoming NONSENSE!
Is it me or the guy looks worried?
Aish! That’s again is beyond show off! Isn’t healthy especially when some people are struggling to even have 1 meal a day.. I can never do that!”
The question on whether Amber Ray accepted Rapudo’s proposal because of love or money once again erupted
Sina wivu but am just surprised that unaringa na pesa zenye si zako
So u got married to him sababu ya pesa so mapenzi,mshamba wa maisha”
At one point she revealed that before meeting Rapudo she used to spend 300k monthly however after meeting Rapudo things changed.
”Before I got married, I used to spend 300k a day. Nowadays, I don’t use my money anymore “At the end of the day, we love each other. We work hard and pray about it. There’s no pressure; we live according to what we have. We don’t struggle, and it is a blessing from God.”