Crazy Kennar

Kenyan comedian Crazy Kennar vows to continue with the fight against corruption and political injustices in the country today.

The comedian took to his X account a reply to a question that he says once of his fans asked him; about what will happen next after ending the nationwide protests.

“Someone asked me “Kennar what next after we leave the streets” this is my answer. We will leave the streets, but we must continue with the journey,” Kennar replied.

Kennedy Odhiambo (Crazy Kennar), assured his follower to continue with the revolution process through his projects.

He said: “I am a film maker and an entertainer I will speak of the revolution through my art.”

Kennar urged other people from different professions to help the Gen Zs through the fight by educating them various lawful aspects of rights.

“If you’re a doctor speak of the change to your patient, gen z teacher tell your students change is not about age but about will. A gen z journalist remember your words and camera are our shield and defender.

“If you’re gen z pastor, tell your congregants that Jesus served for 3 years, and His impact is eternal…young parent, teach your kids to be just, let them know it’s wrong to hurt others. If you are a policeman, serve the people…be humane,” he added.

Odhiambo wrote that people should use what they are good at to make a change in the society which is a process.

“Speak with what you are blessed with and make a change with your vote. Let everything speak of the change. Change is a process. This will take years to accomplish. The struggle must remain alive… work is not done. Long live to our fallen heroes,” he commented.

Content creator paid tribute to the protestors who died during the anti-finance Bill demonstration in the country saying there is still more to be done.

Also Read: Finance Bill 2024 – Questions Answered And Fate Explained

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