
Comedian Mulamwah has found himself on the wrong side with netizens after trying a viral TikTok.

The comedian decided to flow with the baby daddy angle, pointing out the challenges that baby daddies in Kenya go through

Below are the words that he said in the video;

Of course, I am a baby daddy in Kenya. Everybody thinks I am the problem

Of course, I am a baby daddy in Kenya. kila baby mama ananichukia, aki tafadhali auntie, sio mimi nilikupatia mimba.

Of course I am a baby daddy in Kenya, mtoto ashaambiwa, na anajua nilikufa last year

Of course, I am baby daddy in Kenya, nikitesa mnasema naumiza ex, na mi niko tu maisha yangu, sa nisioee?

Of course, I am a baby daddy in Kenya, mtoto namuonanga online

Of course I am a baby daddy in Kenya, bado naji panga panga kwasababu najua kuna siku nitahitajika

Of course, I am a baby daddy in Kenya, nimeblockiwa

Of course I am a baby daddy in Kenya, hakuna mtu ataniamini lakini ni sawa.

He however issued a disclaimer saying that the video wasn’t targeting anyone but meant for entertainment purposes.

“Tumefikiwa, challege accepted, ni comedy tu msiweke mambo mingi, ndani ” he said.

Despite the disclaimers, a section of followers were highly displeased by his move, blasting him with some saying he is not a victim.

Jerry Muthoni: HGow is it supposed to be funny. You publicly humiliated sonnie and denied your own child and now you want to gain sympathy for your own bad action, you lack accountability.

Makenafab: Ofcourse you are the problem, don’t try to confuse us

Milly Okaya: We ni mtu useless sana, I hope Sonnie and her kid never need you in this life huna adabu

Sweetie Elsie:A walking red flag…of course you are the problem, kitaramba mtu soon.

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