
Controversial Tiktoker Brian Chira today appeared in court after spending several nights in police cells.

The 23-year  old was arrested last week by detectives for allegedly using his TikTok account, on a live feed, to defame Azziad Nasenya. He is also being accused of giving out Azziad’s  personal mobile number in public.

Appearing before  Kibera Principal Magistrate Renee Kitagwa on Monday 31st July, Chira denied all the charges levelled against him.

The court has now released him on a Kshs50,000 bail or an alternative of Kshs100,000 bond. The case is to be next heard on September 7th.

Speaking to a local blogger, Azziad’s lawyer said his client opted to take legal defamation action after Chira’s cursing insults which have threatened to affect her brand.

She also claimed Chira giving out Azziad’s phone number caused her client to receive numerous anonymous calls some which had insults.

“Sometime last week Chira went live on TikTok at night and the Topic was Azziad he uttered some words which I cannot repeat here but those words are defamatory and he did not stop there he went ahead and gave out her number. My client has for the past week been buzzed with a lot of calls and messages some of which are insults and she was not happy.” Since we have the computer misuse and cyber crime act she choose to take legal action.” said the attorney.

According to the Legal Information Institute, defamation is a comment that harms the reputation of a third person.  Libel (written statements) and slander (spoken words) are both considered forms of the tort of defamation.








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