Parody (reads fake) accounts now have a field day on Elon Musk’s Twitter. Day after the account named Jesus Christ got verified on Twitter, another account named Satan has received the famous blue tick.
After Elon Musk’s takeover of Twitter, all one needs to do to get a verified account is shell out $8. This has made verified badges available to everyone willing to spend the said amount, however, it has also fuelled pranks and impersonations on the social media platform. The most hilarious and somewhat concerning are the parody accounts that are mushrooming on Twitter, something which has brought even ‘God’ down for internet surfing.
The account named Jesus Christ was created back in 2006 while the owner has stayed underground, the account has never been verified based on the strict rules that existed before Elon took over
“Even though I’ve had it that long, I wasn’t ever sure I’d be able to get it verified. I’ve applied for verification before and been rejected, but when Elon Musk changed the verification rules and you could subscribe to Twitter Blue and buy a verified check, I knew it was finally my time. It was immediate. I bought the Twitter Blue subscription, and when I finished confirming Apple Pay and reopened Twitter, I was verified.”
As if a parody account of Christ was not enough, ‘Satan’ too has procured the blue checkmark to ensure there is the right proportion of right and wrong in this world. Again a parody account, its bio says that ‘Satan’ is “Not evil, just misunderstood” and is based in hell. The account has a profile image of the horned devil with a picture of burning skeletons on the header, just like what we imagined must happen in hell.
It is likely that many such parody accounts will pop up with a verification badge, especially after Twitter’s new boss Elon Musk’s advisory of mentioning “parody” in their names. “Going forward, accounts engaged in parody must include “parody” in their name, not just in bio (sic),” his tweet read. “To be more precise accounts doing parody impersonations. Basically, tricking people is not ok (sic),” he wrote in a second tweet