
Citizen TV Journalist Ayub Abdikadir is among the journalists covering President William Ruto’s tour in the United States.

On Thursday, Ruto and his delegates were hosted by the American President Joe Biden at the White House and the two leaders addressed the press.

Abdikadir got a chance top question Ruto about his commitment to deploy Kenyan troops to Haiti, when Kenya was also grappling with insecurity in the North Rift region.

“A follow up to my president Dr. Ruto, you said that Kenya is committed, and in cutter speech in Atlanta you said that it is based on humanitarianism helping Haiti out but can you explain the geopolitical goal, 12000km away from  Nairobi, when schools in the counties of Baringo, West Pokot and Turkana have not yet opened because of the banditry problem yet you are committing our national police force to Haiti

“And where is the priority, is this being one of your major manifesto pillars talking about security and to the extend that even the Defence CS talked about the deployment of , if need be, the Kenyan military, special personnel to make sure that schools reopen, children go to school in areas that are banditry prone in Kenya. Why are you committing to Haiti when we have a problem back at home isn’t it an irony that you are putting out the  fire in the neighbours far away home when our own home is on fire,” the journalist posed.

Responding to the question, the president said that he made a commitment to Kenyans on sort out insecurity in the North Rift revealing that it was followed with an action.

“As we talk we have 3000 military officers in the North Rift, 2000 police officers in the north rift,” the head of state said, adding that 15 schools have been renovated and  20 schools that had been affected by the insecurity have been re-opened.

Ruto further said that the exercise was still ongoing and tremendous progress was being witnessed in ensuring that security is at home.

“But that does not take away our responsibility, even as we were deploying troops, policemen in our own country to sort out the banditry  we still deployed 1000 troops to DRC because that is our neighbourhood. We have 5000 troops in Somalia because equally, that is our responsibility. Haiti should not be an exception That is why deploying 1000 security men to Haiti speaks to the same belief and commitment to peace and security.

This has however left mixed reactions among Kenyans, some suggesting that it was planned for Abdikadir to raise the question.

“What are the chances, walipanga amuulize hiyo swali because ain’t no way he has all those figures that ready. Fear this man walahi,” an X user claimed.

Others however hailed Abdikadir for doing his job perfectly.



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