
Following their attempt to establish a political party, a group of Gen Z members led by Anita Barasa, better known as Anini, received criticism from their peers.

They were seen in a widely shared video pleading with their Gen Z peers for help as they assume leadership roles.

“You asked for a party and a party shall be formed. All we ask from you is that when you are called upon to support your Gen Z leaders you support us wholeheartedly,” they said.

After they vehemently argued that creating a political party is not a priority at this time and that they do not want to be led by anyone, some people criticised them for taking such daring actions.

” Why are you trying to divert the attention of the Gen Z ndio sasa muungane mform group nyinyi ndio mchukuliwe…mnajibrand majina ndio mchukuliwe mpewe favors huko mbele,” a netizen said.

He demanded for an apology before their numbers are spread online ‘wasalimiwe’ by their fellow Gen Z for diverting the attention of people and serving their own benefits.

On a recent video on her Instagram account, Anini issued an apology for the video she posted.

“I’m not plying to the fact that what I posted yesterday was not in the best interest of people. That was a very miscalculated proof ,I should’ve known better, I know better now. I’m not usually those creators who won’t use their platform to educate people on what’s going on around the world and I’m really sorry that I made a miscalculated proof,”Anini said

The activist went ahead and said the goal is always reject the finance bill hakuna mambo ya leaders ,hakuna mambo ya najiappoint leader, I’m just a girl with a voice.

Nitizens asserted that the action was an attempt to deflect Gen Z’s focus and that the government would select and bribe the movement out of the protests.

“Nyini vile mmeshikana hivo watch out….do not look for opportunities at the expense of Kenyans. We demand an apology for you guys thinking about a political party at this time instead of the financial bill which brought us to the street in the first place,” he concluded.

Read also: “We Demand  Apology” Backlash As Gen Z Unveil Plans To Form Political Party




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