In a heartwarming display of family unity, renowned Kenyan singer and philanthropist Esther Akoth alias Akothee, and her sister Cebbie Koks, recently put their sibling rivalry aside to come together to celebrate a loved one.
In a rare show of solidarity that has captured the attention and admiration of fans and critics alike, the sisters dressed in black luxurious gowns came together to celebrate a relative’s graduation which took place over the weekend.
The relations between the graduate in question and the two sisters remain unknown but fans speculate that he must be close to both of them because not even their respective weddings could bring the waring sisters together.
Taking to their Instagram accounts the sisters shared beautiful photos of the graduation party heaping praises on the man who they referred to as ”son” for graduating from the school of Engineering.
”We don’t want side shows It’s ENG . EVANDER HOLIFIELD ONYANGO 5 Years in the university auuu ,I fear you my son. Some of your age mates are drinking themselves to death as their parents think they are in school. Baba you have made us proud.@holyfield_evander in life you have only two things , Reasons or Results. I love you son” the song bird captioned her photos.
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On her part, the younger sister, Cebbie congratulated the new engineer terming him as a friend and a supporter.
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This gesture was interpreted by fans as a step towards the journey for reconciliation because in the past the two sisters could not exist in the same space.
Each sister has had their own share of controversy but they started feuding online after Christine was exposed by a popular blogger for bad mouthing her elder sister. Akothee later came forward to address the cause of their differences. Christine however remained tight-lipped on the issue. They both got married within a very short time difference but in each other’s wedding, the respective sister was a no show.