Medics for Kenya, who have been volunteering to offer medical services to anti-government protestors, have announced a withdrawal of their services

In a statement, the medics said that at first, they were received well by the protestors and were able to treat those injured sufficiently and the donations enabled their movement run smoothly.

”Medics of Kenya was formed as a volunteer group of doctors nurses, clinical officers, psychologists, nutritionists, paramedics, interns and students countrywide during the reject the finance bill maandamano that rocked the nation for the past two weeks.”

” Over this period, we have helped hundreds of patients who were unfortunately injured in various ways. We also ran an efficient referral system that ensured critically injured receive life saving management at various hospitals across the country. We were well received on the ground and appreciated by you, the waandamanajis,” the group stated.

However, due to the current change in the maandamano atmosphere and deployment of goons, they have decided to put the safety of their volunteers first and withdraw their services all over the country.

”With the change in maandamanos atmosphere and the deployment of goons, we as medics for kenya, highly value the lives of our volunteers…it is with much regret and pain that we announce Medics for Kenya withdraw their medical camp services all across the country,”

They went ahead and thanked Cresent Hospital, Jamia Mosque, All Saints Cathedral and Holy Family Basilica for opening their doors to the volunteer doctors and giving them space to operate.

Additionally, they also thanked restaurants that fed them and gave them and the protestors water. They further thanked St John’s and Red Cross for providing ambulances.

In the statement, they also took time to thank the volunteers for risking their lives to save the protestors lives and termed them men and women of valor.

In their closing statement, they vowed to continue various acts of service to the people of Kenya while championing for the rights of medics.

Also Read; Nakhumicha Blasts Those Raising Funds To Clear Hospital Bills For Injured Protestors



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