
In a surprising and heartfelt moment, American television show host Steve Harvey revealed that Kenyan President William Ruto had been on his vision board.

He said this during President Ruto’s tour of Tyler Perry’s Studio in Atlanta, Georgia. Steve Harvey was speaking on behalf of the famous Tyler Perry, shared his admiration and respect for President Ruto.

“I am here on behalf of my brother Tyler Perry. He is out of town, he is not gonna make it. He said, ‘Steve, my brother from Kenya is coming to town. ‘I said that’s ironic because he’s on my vision board,” Harvey proudly stated. This comment revealed the admiration Steve Harvey has for President Ruto and his achievements.

Harvey also talked on his efforts to bridge the entertainment gap between America and Africa.

“I was the first person to ever bring a television show from America and take it to the continent of Africa after everyone told me it wasn’t feasible, there wasn’t enough infrastructure,” he said

“Well, I proved them wrong. All we have to do is build a bridge between here and there.” He added referring to the bridge between America and Africa.

Furthermore, his connection to Africa, Steve Harvey spoke on his business ventures with Botswana.He also did not forget to mention the deep cultural ties between Africans and African Americans given the fact that African Americans in America came from Africa.

“You are who we are. If there is no Africa, there is no African America, there is no Tyler Perry’s Studio without you,” he passionately added.

President Ruto’s visit to Tyler Perry’s Studio marks a significant moment in strengthening cultural and business ties between Kenya and the United States.

On the other hand, Steve Harvey’s words  shows the potential for greater collaboration and the importance of recognizing and celebrating shared heritage, mutual aspirations and goals.

Also Read;Ruto To Apologize To Daughter For Declining Her Request To Study Film

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