Thika Road

Operations are at a standstill on Thika Road after angry residents blocked the busy highway at Githurai 45 after their houses flooded following the heavy Tuesday night rains.

The angry residents are calling out to the government to declare floods a national disaster and come to there aid as most of them do not know where to return and others counting losses as their property was destroyed by the raging floods.

This even as Nairobi Senator Edwin Sifuna has called on the national government to help in mitigating the impact of floods in Nairobi in an X post and as well as the House of the Senate.

“I’m speaking to this house on a very difficult day for the people of Nairobi. As we speak right now, many of our people are marooned in their homes. I’ve seen videos of people on rooftops, some homes have been swept away, roads swept away. As we speak right now, footbridges in places like Kamukunji and those connecting Kamukunji to Makadara and Embakasi West have been swept away.” Sifuna said while adressing the House of Senate.

“We want to acknowledge that the county of Nairobi for all its efforts is overwhelmed and we would want to be asking and urging the national government and all the national emergency services to be mobilized in order to save lives” he added

This comes after the heavy rains that have continued to pound the country rendered many roads impassable affecting both vehicle and human traffic.

Also read; Search For Six Missing People In Mathare Due To Floods Suspended


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