
Joel Omondi, the son of the late Chief of Defence Forces Gen. Francis Ogolla, has revealed that his casket cost Kshs6,800 only.

According to him, there was need to go for high end items for the occasion yet his father was no longer with them. At the same time, he said that his father will only be buried in a  sheet, and not the military clothes he donned during special occasions.

“The casket he is lying in is very simple mbao ambayo hata haijapigwa randa. It is very rough I have just been told it costed Kshs6,800. Hii mambo mingi ati mtu mkubwa casket ya 500,000, 1 million, his essence and spirit is no longer with us. This is a body which he served the country with and now it is finished,” Omondi said during his lat father’s memorial mass that is going on at the Ulinzi Sports Complex.

Addressing controversies  surrounding Ogolla because of his burial wishes, Omondi said that his father was just following in the footsteps of Christ, whom he admired.

“As you know,Jesus himself how he was buried, he was wrapped in a sheet and put in a tomb. Right now mzee is wearing a uniform he donned for number one functions but tomorrow will wrap him in a sheet and extract him from the casket and lay him him to the ground so that he can return to as dust as quickly as possible just the way he wanted it and just following the man he admired most Jesus Christ,” Omondi said.

He also eulogized his father as a kind and generous man. He said that his father  vowed not to go after those who were indebted to him.

“Hio ni sadaka kwa Mungu,” Omondi said.

Ogolla will buried on Sunday April 21 at his home in Siaya County.





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