KRA yet again drove Kenyans into turmoil after  imposing a tax charge for anyone carrying  goods more that  USD 500 at the airport.

The taxman made the announcement through a post shared on Twitter.

“When travelling  you will be allowed  to  carry personal or household  items worth USD 500 and below. Anything  above the amount shall be subjected to tax,” KRA posted.

This decision  has angered Kenyans who did not shy away from blasting KRA. As a result, KRA was forced to pull down the post due to the negative  reactions.

According  to majority of the tweets,  Kenyans  did not find sense behind the decision that appeared  rather an extortion to milk more money from their pockets in the name of taxation.

“If Kenyan  government  wants to get easy  money, let them implement  traffic rules.  We don’t obey traffic rules. They can collect  10M fines in a day. But they have to clean the department first. It will be a win win, less traffic accidents  and more money to the government, ” commented  legitmoryn

“They’re  a menace!!! Which country  does not allow its citizens  to bring gifts back?! Taxing and the moment  you  leave the roads are full of potholes! Ndani  ya airport umekutana na kina nani wanakungojea kama hawks? No pleasure in travelling  these days cuz they stress you out from the moment  you arrive and they cant prove if you’re  travelling from work ama. As long as its seen, baaaas pthoooo KUSINYA TUUU, ” said upendodoula

“Why carry things in their original package? Just make sure that  whatever you have on you has some proof that is yours. Lets say you buy an iphone abroad,  remove it from its original  package and download  an app to show you are the owner. Mayne you have bought a laptop, say one is for office work and the other one is personal. You don’t have to be a genius to know all these,” wrote christophbaldwin

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